
Auflage: 3. unveränderter Nachdruck, 2023 (Klammerheftung)
Verlag: Pädagogische Forschungsstelle Stuttgart
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Gewicht: 75 g
Umfang: 32 Seiten
Format (B x H x D): 14,8 x 21 x 0,3 cm
Lagerbestand: 1265



This little booklet has every quality it takes to be a suitable reader for Class 4 or 5.
The story of Simple Simon may well have been one that children loved to hear in the years of oral work, they may even have acted it and have found their favourite incidents. Mollie Clarke has retold it in clear and lively style and yet uses repetitions in such a way that children will be able to recognise and thus read entire sentences rather than work at deciphering one word after another. The illustrations are a joy to look at and encourage little conversations. Last not least, the printer has managed to be a real composer, spacing the words and lines in such a way that the eye is led on but never confused. This charming book has been out of print for many years, and the Waldorf Schools have been fortunate in being permitted to reprint it for their purposes.

Über die Herausgeber:innen

Prof. Dr. Christoph Jaffke besuchte die Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Wuppertal und begann 1967 mit dem Englischunterricht an einer Stuttgarter Waldorfschule. Er ist einer der erfahrensten Englischlehrer in der...

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