In the summer of 1919 Rudolf Steiner developed in his first teachers' course the anthropology of Waldorf Education and the resulting methodology and didactics.
In the following decades Waldorf Education with its consistent orientation towards people spread to more than eighty...

Internationale Publikationen

creation + Discovery Biology
Teaching Biology from the Perspective of Life
ISBN: 9783949267383
Artikelnr.: 1287
This volume Biology in Waldorf Schools by Dirk Rohde has been translated and adapted from the Handbook for Upper Grades in Waldorf Schools, which was published in German by Beltz Juventa in 2018. In this work, edited by Stephan Sigler, Wilfried Sommer and M. Michael Zech, those...
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Sofort lieferbar*

Gestalten und Entdecken: Physik, Band 2
Anleitung zum Dampfheber • Instructions for the Steam Jack
ISBN: 9783949267062
Artikelnr.: 1271
Das Heft enthält eine Versuchsanleitung zum Dampfheber samt didaktischer Hinweise und zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, wie der Versuch in die Physikepoche der 9. Klasse Freier Waldorfschulen integriert werden kann. Zugleich wird ein Unterrichtsgang vorgestellt, der die Erscheinungen am Phasenübergang...
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Sofort lieferbar*

Creation + Discovery Mathematics, Band 5
based on teaching practices in Waldorf Schools
Artikelnr.: 1259
Based on teaching practices in Waldorf schools
The common thread running through the articles in this volume is Geometry, with topics ranging from projective to analytic geometry, from curve drawing to group theory. Such themes are well-suited to inspire the...
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Artikelnr.: 1260
A Collection of Exercises, Didactic commentary with solutions
This book is the teachers book. The students book is currently available in german, english and chinese. Please contact us if you could help with further translations.
The negative...
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Creation + Discovery Mathematics, Band 3
based on teaching practices in Waldorf Schools
Artikelnr.: 1257
Based on teaching practices in Waldorf schools
The series Mathematics for the High School was specifically designed with math teachers in mind. Not only are the books a useful resource for gaining familiarity with teaching approaches used in a Waldorf ...
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Creation + Discovery Mathematics, Band 1
based on teaching practices in Waldorf Schools
Artikelnr.: 1277
The »green« books of the series Mathematics for the High School were specifically designed with the math teacher in mind. Not only are they a useful resource for gaining familiarity with teaching in a Waldorf school, but they are also a source of inspiration - offering fresh perspectives and...
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Creation + Discovery Mathematics, Band 4
based on teaching practices in Waldorf Schools
Artikelnr.: 1258
Based on teaching practices in Waldorf schools
This book is centered on the differential and integral calculus. This calculus is a main focus of the mathematics curriculum in the 12th Grade in Waldorf schools. This domain offers on the one hand inexhaustible possibilities for...
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Creation + Discovery Mathematics, Band 2
based on teaching practices in Waldorf Schools
ISBN: 9783939374107
Artikelnr.: 1198
The »green« books of the series Mathematics for the High School were specifically designed with the math teacher in mind. Not only are they a useful resource for gaining familiarity with teaching in a Waldorf school, but they are also a source of inspiration - offering fresh perspectives and...
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