Cover für Teaching English to Teens and Preteens
Teaching English to Teens and Preteens

A Guide for Language Teachers with Techniques and Materials for Grades 4-9

inklusive MwSt.
ISBN: 9789630621212
Artikelnr: 1520
Sofort lieferbar*
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Deutschlands


Auflage: 3. unveränderter Nachdruck, 2023 (Softcover)
Verlag: hevesim
Gewicht: 710 g
Umfang: 217 Seiten
Format (B x H x D): 16,4 x 24,4 x 1,3 cm
Lagerbestand: 53


The book is designed to appeal to teachers wishing to diversify and experiment. Although this book is specifically for English, it may also inspire teachers of other languages. A lot of activities described here are intended to involve pupils emotionally, to appeal to their imagination and inventiveness as way of getting through to their intellect. The book is packed with many sorts of activities as examples of what we need to invent, each aimed at mastering some little aspect of the idiosyncrasy of the foreign language.

Über die Autor:innen

Alec Templeton (born in Ealing Middlesex, GB in 1948) started his teaching career in 1972. Ever since, he has been active as an English teacher in various Waldorf schools and at the Leonhard Gymnasium in Basel. He holds his teacher training courses in Germany, Estonia, Sweden, Switzerland,...

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