Cover für Physics in Waldorf Schools
Creation + Discovery Physics
Teaching Physics Phenomenologically
ISBN: 9783939374930
Artikelnr.: 1262
In this work, those subjects given in the format of block-lessons are examined with respect to educational theory and didactical and methodological aspects. The publication is intended for scientists, students and practicing teachers. It emerged from a research project by the Pedagogical...
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Cover für Mathematics in Waldorf Schools
Creation + Discovery Mathematics
Teaching Mathematics in the Upper Grades
ISBN: 9783949267000
Artikelnr.: 1267
In this work, those subjects given in the format of block-lessons are examined with respect to educational theory and didactical and methodological aspects. The publication is intended for scientists, students and practicing teachers. It emerged from a research project by the Pedagogical...
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Cover für History in Waldorf Schools
Creation + Discovery Literature
Creating an Individual Consciousness of History
ISBN: 9783939374961
Artikelnr.: 1264
In this work, those subjects given in the format of block-lessons are examined with respect to educational theory and didactical and methodological aspects. The publication is intended for scientists, students and practicing teachers. It emerged from a research project by the Pedagogical...
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Cover für Literature in Waldorf Schools
Creation + Discovery Literature
Understanding Literature as a Basis for Teaching Literature
ISBN: 9783949267031
Artikelnr.: 1269
In this work, those subjects given in the format of block-lessons are examined with respect to educational theory and didactical and methodological aspects. The publication is intended for scientists, students and practicing teachers. It emerged from a research project by the Pedagogical...
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Cover für Rhythms, Rhymes, Games and Songs for the Lower School
ISBN: 9783927286511
Artikelnr.: 600000
Material accumulated over the decades within the Waldorf School movement. For use in the first three (four) classes. Appendix with examples of especially suitable stories. Index of first lines. More than 70 finger plays, mostly accompanied by instructions, 35 classroom games, almost 30...
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Cover für Biology in Waldorf Schools
creation + Discovery Biology
Teaching Biology from the Perspective of Life
ISBN: 9783949267383
Artikelnr.: 1287
This volume Biology in Waldorf Schools by Dirk Rohde has been translated and adapted from the Handbook for Upper Grades in Waldorf Schools, which was published in German by Beltz Juventa in 2018. In this work, edited by Stephan Sigler, Wilfried Sommer and M. Michael Zech, those...
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Cover für Einblicke weltweit - 100 Jahre Waldorfpädagogik
Insights Worldwide - 100 Years Rudolf Steiner Education
ISBN: 9783868289206
Artikelnr.: 1696
2019 feiert die Waldorfschulbewegung ihr 100-jähriges Jubiläum, zu dessen Anlass eine Publikation der Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners im Kehrer Verlag erscheint. Exklusiv für dieses Buch reisten Leica Fotografinnen und Fotografen wie Dominic Nahr, René Perez, Herbie Yamaguchi,...
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Cover für Literatur lesen im Deutschunterricht der Waldorf-Mittelstufe
ISBN: 9783949267833
Artikelnr.: 1814
»Dieses Buch möchte den Klassenlehrer:innen an Waldorfschulen einen Weg vorstellen, erzählende Literatur in Deutschepochen der Klassenstufen 5 bis 8 zu lesen und zu besprechen.
Eine solche Anleitung fehlt bisher, weil Rudolf Steiner diesen Bereich der Literatur in seinen...
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Cover für Lust aufs Lehrersein?!
Eine Ermutigung zum (Waldorf)Lehrerberuf
ISBN: 9783723513897
Artikelnr.: 1622
In diesem Buch wird die Waldorfpädagogik als eine Pädagogik der offenen Türen dargestellt; keine Lehre, kein oder sondern, als ein nachvollziehbares Eingehen auf die praktischen und innerlichen Seiten des Schullebens: leicht und gleichsam tiefsinnig. Wiecherts Betrachtungen...
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Cover für The First Four Years of English
A Hands-On Approach to the Waldorf Way
ISBN: 9783944911625
Artikelnr.: 1759
Prof. Dr. Christoph Jaffke, Begründer der Reihe Materialien für den Sprachunterricht an Waldorfschulen, hat ein Handbuch für die Fremdsprachlehrer der Unterstufe geschrieben. Obwohl das Buch in englischer Sprache verfasst ist, werden sich die theoretischen Einblicke, die der Autor bietet und...
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Cover für Six Romantic Poets - Additional Material for Teachers
Aids to english teachers in Waldorf Schools
Artikelnr.: 600008
A bibliography, and relevant passages from Kaethe Wolf-Gumpold’s book about William Blake, from Owen Barfield’s "Romanticism Comes of Age" and from "Poetry and the Art of Speech" by Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner-von Sivers.
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Cover für Topics in Mathematics for the 11th Grade
Creation + Discovery Mathematics, Band 3
based on teaching practices in Waldorf Schools
Artikelnr.: 1257
Based on teaching practices in Waldorf schools
The series Mathematics for the High School was specifically designed with math teachers in mind. Not only are the books a useful resource for gaining familiarity with teaching approaches used in a Waldorf ...
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