Cover für Waldorfpädagogik - eine Bestandsaufnahme
Erziehungswissenschaftliche Studien
ISBN: 9783779965343
Item no.: 1723
This book is available in German only. Thus its description is not translated.

Hundert Jahre nach Gründung der Waldorfschulbewegung ist es Zeit für eine erziehungswissenschaftliche Zwischenbilanz. In einer Ringvorlesung der Universität Marburg berichteten Forscher/innen von...
soft cover
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Cover für Die Eroberung des Raums - Band 4
Gestalten + Entdecken - Geographie, Band 4
Zum Geographieunterricht in der Klassenlehrerzeit. Die Epoche Afrika 7. Klasse
ISBN: 9783949267598
Item no.: 1780
This book is available in German only. Thus its description is not translated.

Teil I Einleitung zu Klasse 7 und 8
Teil II Die Epoche Afrika, Klasse 7
Dem Klassenlehrer stehen mit diesem Band Grundlagen, Durchführungs­hinweise und Arbeitsmaterial ...
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Cover für Physics in Waldorf Schools
Creation + Discovery Physics
Teaching Physics Phenomenologically
ISBN: 9783939374930
Item no.: 1262
In this work, those subjects given in the format of block-lessons are examined with respect to educational theory and didactical and methodological aspects. The publication is intended for scientists, students and practicing teachers. It emerged from a research project by the Pedagogical...
soft cover
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Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für History in Waldorf Schools
Creation + Discovery Literature
Creating an Individual Consciousness of History
ISBN: 9783939374961
Item no.: 1264
In this work, those subjects given in the format of block-lessons are examined with respect to educational theory and didactical and methodological aspects. The publication is intended for scientists, students and practicing teachers. It emerged from a research project by the Pedagogical...
soft cover
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Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Mathematics in Waldorf Schools
Creation + Discovery Mathematics
Teaching Mathematics in the Upper Grades
ISBN: 9783949267000
Item no.: 1267
In this work, those subjects given in the format of block-lessons are examined with respect to educational theory and didactical and methodological aspects. The publication is intended for scientists, students and practicing teachers. It emerged from a research project by the Pedagogical...
soft cover
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Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Literature in Waldorf Schools
Creation + Discovery Literature
Understanding Literature as a Basis for Teaching Literature
ISBN: 9783949267031
Item no.: 1269
In this work, those subjects given in the format of block-lessons are examined with respect to educational theory and didactical and methodological aspects. The publication is intended for scientists, students and practicing teachers. It emerged from a research project by the Pedagogical...
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Cover für Medienpädagogik
Gesichtspunkte, Grundwissen, Praxisprojekte. Ein Handbuch für die Mittelstufe
ISBN: 9783949267666
Item no.: 1782
This book is available in German only. Thus its description is not translated.

Medienpädagogik - wie finde ich als Lehrer:in einen Einstieg? Erfahrene Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen teilen hier ihr theoretisches Wissen und ihre konkreten Unterrichtserfahrungen....
hard cover
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Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Das große Buch vom Werken
Mit Hand, Herz und Kopf
ISBN: 9783772528040
Item no.: 1788
This book is available in German only. Thus its description is not translated.

Dieses umfassende Buch zum Werkunterricht gibt einen Überblick über die handwerklichen Angebote der Waldorfschulen von der 5. bis zur 12. Klasse: von Holzarbeiten über textiles Gestalten (Spinnen ...
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Cover für Phasenübergang Wasser/Wasserdampf • Phase Transition Water/Steam
Physik 9. Klasse • Physics 9th Grade, Band 2
Anleitung zum Dampfheber • Instructions for the Steam Jack
ISBN: 9783949267062
Item no.: 1271
In addition to experimental instructions on the steam jack, the booklet contains didactic tips and points out ways in which the experiment can be integrated into the physics main lessons of the 9th grade Waldorf school curriculum. At the same time, it introduces a lesson that covers the...
soft cover
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Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für The First Four Years of English
A Hands-On Approach to the Waldorf Way
ISBN: 9783944911625
Item no.: 1759
Prof. Dr. Christoph Jaffke, founder of the series Materials for Language Teaching at Steiner Waldorf Schools, has written a manual for the language teachers of the lower school. Although the book is in English, the theoretical insights offered by the author, and his methodical advice - based...
spiral bound
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Cover für Lernbegleitung und Kompetenzerwerb in der Oberstufe der Waldorfschule
ISBN: 9783949267543
Item no.: 1772
This book is available in German only. Thus its description is not translated.

Die Waldorfschulbewegung hat seit 2009 in einem gemeinsamen Projekt - zunächst in NRW, inzwischen bundesweit - Form und Inhalt eines Qualifikationsportfolios entwickelt. Das Projekt war so angelegt,...
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Cover für Das goldene Korn. Materialien für den mündlichen Russischunterricht
in der Unterstufe
ЗОЛОТОЕ ЗЕРНО. Материалы для устного преподавания русского языка в начальных классах
ISBN: 9783949267154
Item no.: 1765
This book is only available in Russian
Сборник материалов для устной работы на уроках русского языка в начальных классах (1 - 4/5). Особенно этот сборник рекомендуется для вальдорфских школ.
Книга содержит...
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