Cover für Sein oder Nichtsein
Daniel - Eurythmiepädagogik, Band 3
Eurythmie in den Klassen 9 bis 12
ISBN: 9783944911144
Item no.: 1627
This book is available in German only. Thus its description is not translated.

"Bewegt ins Leben" - Eurythmie in den Klassen 1 - 4 und "Übung macht den Meister" - Eurythmie in den Klassen 5 - 8, wird hiermit durch "Sein oder Nichtsein" - Eurythmie in den Klassen 9 - 12, und ...
soft cover
Available for immediate dispatch

Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Schlief ein goldenes Wölkchen
Ночевала тучка золотая
ISBN: 9783940606389
Item no.: 1556
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
This book is suitable for grade 9 to 12.
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Marschroute eines Lebens
Крутой маршрут
ISBN: 9783940606365
Item no.: 1555
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
Eines der berühmtesten Werke über die Stalinzeit und die...
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Cover für Living and Working in the Days of Charles Dickens
Item no.: 600063
This book, which is only available in English, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
Materials for language teaching at Rudolf Steiner (Waldorf)...
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Der Späher
ISBN: 9783940606372
Item no.: 1557
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
Dieser Kurzroman beschreibt das russische Exil im Berlin der...
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Cover für Man and Man
Six Biographies
Item no.: 600017
Materials for language teaching at Rudolf Steiner (Waldorf) Schools The meeting of individual destinies - crossing social and cultural barriers, finding brotherhood and mutual aid between sufferers and helpers, practising courage in the quest for the freedom of others - that is the theme of...
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Thoughts to Consider
Extracts from Various Viewpoints for Final Class of Rudof Steiner Schools
Item no.: 600024
At the request of teachers in final classes of Waldorf Schools Dr. Conrad Mainzer, London, compiled a number of passages taken from modern authors (Laurens van der Post, Martin Luther King, Bertrand Russell, G. Baraclough, T. S. Eliot, Owen Barfield and others) on various aspects of life today....
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Cover für Shakespeare
from "Representative Men"
Item no.: 600023
Class 11 and 12 meet the American sage in one of his best-known essays, recommended for reading with classes by Rudolf Steiner when asked for advice by one of the early colleagues. Every sentence offers food for thought and gives the reader a chance to review present-day situations from the...
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Cover für Famous Inventors
Arkwright, Wedgwood, Edison, Marconi
Item no.: 600016
These biographies lead us into Classes 8 and 9, offering food for the soul setting out into the technical world of our time. Lively style, suitable for exercises and summaries as well as dramatising by the students. English-German vocabulary!
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Cover für The Canterbury Tales
Item no.: 600021
A selection of five stories retold in prose, giving a good background for further work of a literary quality - short story, novel - in the final classes. The stories live in a world between acute bservation of human behaviour and traditional stories handed down from classical and medieval sources....
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Seifenherstellung mit einfachen Mitteln
Vom Rohstoff zur fertigen Seife
ISBN: 9783949267284
Item no.: 1771
This book is available in German only. Thus its description is not translated.

Dieses Buch richtet sich an Lehrpersonen für den Chemieunterricht, ebenso an Werklehrerinnen und Werklehrer, und darüber hinaus an Menschen, die gerne handwerklich tätig sind. Es beschreibt die...
hard cover
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Cover für Goldener Schnitt und Musik
PMRI-Schriften, Band 4
Phänomene und Werkbetrachtungen
ISBN: 9783949267710
Item no.: 1785
This book is available in German only. Thus its description is not translated.

Dieser Text will zum einen Grundlagenkenntnisse für ein Verständnis des einzigartigen Phänomens Goldener Schnitt vermitteln, zum andern eine Brücke in den Bereich der Musik schlagen und aufzeigen, ...
soft cover
Available for immediate dispatch