Cover für Sonne, Wind und Regenbogen
Deutsch als Fremdsprache Lesebuch, Band 1
Lesebuch für die Klassen 4 und 5
Item no.: 1047
This book is available in German only. Thus its description is not translated.

Lektüren für Waldorfschüler, die Deutsch als Fremdsprache lernen. Das Buch enthält kurze Texte, Gedichte, Dialoge und Lieder.
hard cover
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für De Maillane à Papeligosse (Schüler*innen-Heft)
De Maillane à Papeligosse, Band 1
Souvenirs d'enfance au début au 20ième siècle
ISBN: 9783927286207
Item no.: 1093
This book is only available in French, and the description of it is therefore not translated.

Souvenirs d'enfance au début au 20ième siècle, extraits de: mémoires et récits de F. Mistral Une aventure au début du 20ième siècle vécue par le jeune Frédéric qui fait l'école...
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Le lièvre et le hérisson
ISBN: 9783927286245
Item no.: 1101
This book is only available in French, and the description of it is therefore not translated.

Lecture pour une cinquième classe d'après l'histoire bien connue en allemand avec un vocabulaire traité dans les premières classes, supplément de vocabulaire.
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Michel Strogoff d´après un roman de Jules Verne
ISBN: 9783927286528
Item no.: 1147
This book is only available in French, and the description of it is therefore not translated.

Lektüre für die Mittelstufe (6. – 8. Klasse) bearbeitet von Eva Boese mit Illustrationen von Andrea Schröder
soft cover
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Louis Braille - l'enfant de la nuit
ISBN: 9783949267314
Item no.: 600056
This book, which is only available in French, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
Cette lecture nous apprend avec quel altruisme et quel ...
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Kurzgeschichten II
Russische Kurzgeschichten, Band 2
Короткие рассказы II
ISBN: 9783944911229
Item no.: 1638
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German
«Короткие рассказы II», для 7-8 класса. Составитель Наталия...
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für The Ship that turned over
simple, easy version
Item no.: 600009
This book, which is only available in English, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German

After the world of fairy tales, legends and nursery tales, this story leads into "real life", in...
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Pentatonic Songs
for nursery, kindergarten and grades 1 and 2
ISBN: 9783939374770
Item no.: 600001
Elisabeth Lebret composed a wealth of pentatonic songs 'for nursery, kindergarten and lower grades' for various occasions: activities, festivals, seasons, birthdays … The collection first appeared in 1971 and Elisabeth's wish that 'this booklet may find its way in the...
spiral bound
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Le renard rusé
ISBN: 9783927286252
Item no.: 1100
This book is only available in French, and the description of it is therefore not translated.
Anecdotes d'après le fameux «Roman de Renard» pour une cinquième ou sixième classe avec la possibilité de les jouer, supplément de vocabulaire.
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Kurzgeschichten III
Russische Kurzgeschichten, Band 3
Короткие рассказы III
ISBN: 9783944911236
Item no.: 1639
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German
«Короткие рассказы III», для 7-8 класса. Составитель Наталия...
Available for immediate dispatch

chansons modestes – chansons modernes
ISBN: 9783944911267
Item no.: 1636
This book is only available in French, and the description of it is therefore not translated.

Bewährte zeitgenössische und traditionelle Lieder für die Unterstufe ins Französische übertragen. Mit menschenkundlichen sowie schulpraktischen Arbeitshinweisen. Une collection de ...
soft cover
Available for immediate dispatch

Cover für Le château des Carpathes
D’après un roman de Jules Verne
ISBN: 9783944911250
Item no.: 1642
This book, which is only available in French, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
Am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts, das mehr an den Fortschritt als an...
Available for immediate dispatch